On Time Project Completion
High Quality Materials
Best Client Satisfaction
Customized Competitive Prices

Our Commitment
We are committed to maintaining our competitive position in the industry by striving to continuously improve our performance. We are also committed to empowering our employees to be leaders, to be artistic, to work safely and to be stewards of quality. A culture of honesty imparts trust amongst all our employees, regardless of their tenure and role. Employees, at all levels, are expected to suggest improvements and speak up with concerns regarding safety, quality and ethical behavior.
Our Focus
Topographical Surveys
Topographical land survey measures and identifies the exact location and specifications of natural and human made features within an area of land. The survey is then drawn up into an appropriate and detailed plan it includes human-made features such as boundaries, neighboring buildings, walkways etc. The topographical survey also picks up natural features such as trees, ponds and ground contours.
Detailed Project Report:
Detailed project Report (DPR) is one of the essential building blocks for successful completion of the project. It is a complete document for investment decision-making, approval, planning and implementation of the Project. This document is a must have for getting credit facilities from lenders. Our team helps in reparation of DPR which would help facilitate smooth disbursement of credit from funding organizations/lenders.
Traffic and other Engineering Surveys
SECL studies the area where the transportation/ engineering survey is to be carried out. It depends on the need for the study (Traffic Survey, Smart City Survey, Swacch Bharat Mission Survey, etc)Engineering surveying comprises of all those activities involved in the planning and execution of surveys for the location, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of civil and other engineered projects.
Geotechnical Investigations
Our geotechnical engineering services focus on providing an integrated service in geotechnical engineering bringing a unique blend of in-house strength of heavy-duty rigs, in-situ testing tools and equipment combined with advanced in-house laboratory and technical expertise and extensive practical and on-site experience. The investigation involves the process of drilling boreholes, taking soil samples, testing them in the laboratory, analyze the test report, and recommend a suitable foundation. Based on the soil report, our geotechnical expert may recommend the improvement of the soil.
Engineering Design and Specific Construction Works
SECL provides the services of Construction of Specific Components. Our expertise lies within pile foundation. We can also opt for construction of other components depending upon the need of client. Since proper design engineering is the foundation of a successful product – be it a household object or a complex architectural marvel, it is important to choose a company that has ‘hands on’ experience in providing these services. Our experts provide engineering design as per client’s requirement.
Third Party Quality Monitoring and Structural Audit
SECL offers a broad range of construction inspection and contractor quality control (CQC) services for building projects. We also provide Structural Audit, which is an overall health and performance check-up of a building like a doctor examines a patient. It analyses and suggests appropriate repairs and retrofitting measures required for the buildings to perform better in its service life.